Friday, January 28, 2011

feathery fun

another doodle from the dv trenches.  i meant to keep this one simple, but sometimes i just have to  keep coloring (long phone calls).  found pen + colored pencil.

Monday, January 24, 2011

tribute to ficus st. cuddlestein (circa 2003)

ficus st. cuddlestein and i were the best of friends for seven grand, adventure-filled years.  this is the first and only portrait i ever drew of him, way back in our tacoma days when he was very much alive and svelte and just barely gray.  thanks to worldsgreatesthunter for sharing this lovely memory, which now hangs framed on a seattle wall.  run in peace, my furry mohawked friend!  oil pastel on paper bag.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

frosted doodle

this doodle was drawn/ colored in over the course of several meetings, trainings, and crisis phone calls.  i don't usually have a preference for pink, but this reminds me of cake, so i like it.  yumm...cake.  sharpie + colored pencil on notebook paper.

Friday, January 21, 2011

"keep your head up"

this ostrich changed my life (4 realz).  thanks to him/ her, i now know that ostriches do NOT bury their heads in the sand.  what???!  yes, it's true!  i mean, false!  it's a myth.  so word to the wise, ostriches, don't give into myths - stay away from those sand holes/ harts!  colored pencil + sharpie on bucher paper.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

doodle/ doily

some new doodles from the domestic violence trenches, drawn in a notebook i found in my desk - hopefully the original owner won't mind. the top two = colored pencil and the bottom = some kind of pen (another desk find).  all of them vaguely reminiscent of doilies.  the old lady in me, i suppose.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

enrique and beyond

this was my first experience with a real naked man (in more ways than one).  his name is enrique and i met him during a long session with night moves, a really wonderful figure drawing group that meets at the pump project here in austin on most tuesday and wednesday nights (now sadly defunct!).  enrique was originally leaning on a table, but i decided mountains would be more fun.  also, the trees are based on real trees called fan palms that i found in a 2010 tree calender.  oh, and the goat...well, i thought he could use a friend.  colored pencil + sharpie on butcher paper (3ft x 4ft).

rainbow doodle panel

the rainbow doodle panel (AKA a piece of cardboard from the recycling bin + colored sharpie) was done over the course of several days in bed, thanks to a sore throat and no internet.  lots of audio self-help, psychic readings, and heartbreaking music also aided in the process.

justice 4 hedgehogs

this sad little fellow was inspired by a chat with two former harvard university press (HUP) colleagues/ beloved friends over the book, justice for hedgehogs by ronald dworkin.  i truly hope that all the hedgehogs get the justice they deserve.  truly.  colored pencil and sharpie on butcher paper.

Monday, January 3, 2011

cover sentiments

the ever-evolving cover of my favorite doodle notebook, kindly bestowed upon me by a dear friend/ former co-worker/ co-creator of the still-yet-to-be-released (but brilliant) television series,"my two jobs."  soon to be full but not forgotten.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


oh, the plight of the overdressed baby chick!  tragic.  sharpie on paper on paper.