Monday, February 28, 2011

evidence of a family vacation

"carrots and ice cream taste like cereal" -- lil sis, age 4
dad at the beach
lil sis drawing with not-so little sis
"they (the ants) think i'm a tree.  they think i'm a talking tree"
stranger in the air
stranger snorkeling
beach feet self-portrait 

a talented book worker gifted me this beautiful little notebook to document my recent family vacation.  here are some of my favorite pages/ memories from the trip.  pen + colored pencil on perfectly textured paper

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

in the hart of the woods

a call from my subconcious via paper plate.  oh, to live in the woods! sharpie

Monday, February 14, 2011

dv valentine

the domestic violence hotline was kind enough to provide some craft supplies for making valentines.  this is what i made.  for all the broken harts.  happy valentine's day!  pen + colored pencil on doily.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

forest dreams

this doodle reminds me of a sunny forest, which is someplace i'd like to live.  pen + colored pencil.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

hart tree

this is a jolly little hart tree i drew with oil pastels on a piece of cardboard with a hole in it.  i like to imagine that some adorable forest creature will poke its head of that hole at any second and grab a hart.